Are You a Traveller or a Tourist? – 7 Mind-Boggling Differences

Tourists don’t know where they’ve been… Travellers don’t know where they’re going
So, are you a traveller or a tourist? Here are 7 mind-boggling points to find the difference. 

1. TOURISTS have plans, TRAVELLERS have passion.

TOURISTS have plans, TRAVELLERS have passion.
Tourists start planning for the trip months ago. They have to book hotels, list out places to visit, inform relatives and what not. Travellers just need a thought to cross their minds and they are all set to start for an adventure the next day.

2. TRAVELLERS carry essentials, TOURISTS carry clothes.

TRAVELLERS carry essentials. TOURISTS carry clothes.
For tourists, the luggage means a variety of clothes to flaunt their closet potential. Their luggage is aimed at looking good and pleasing people. Travellers buy personal statement and pack essential supplies like torch, shades, camera, etc.

3. Landscape Photography is for TRAVELLERS, selfies are for TOURISTS.

 Landscape Photography is for TRAVELLERS, selfies are for TOURISTS.
While tourists are busy clicking weird selfies, travellers want to capture the feel of the place in a small frame. Tourists click pics with each and everything they come across while travellers capture locations and local lifestyle.

4. TOURISTS are Time-bound, TRAVELLERS are not.

TOURISTS are Time-bound, TRAVELLERS are not.
Tourists are in a rush to see as many places as they can. They are shackled by schedule. Travellers find adventure in reaching to a destination, talking to drivers, exploring less taken roads. They get immersed in the joy of the journey. Travellers don’t mind on cancelling certain spots from their list to enjoy the present one.

5. TOURISTS relax, TRAVELLERS make friends.

TOURISTS relax, TRAVELLERS make friends.
When travellers get a downtime in their trip, they roam around the streets and popular joints. Travellers have local friends wherever they visit. Tourists rest or read a book in their hotels or utilise the free time to relax in a spa or on the bed.

6. TOURISTS wait for cabs, TRAVELLERS take lifts.

TOURISTS wait for cabs, TRAVELLERS take lifts.
Comfort is not the jewel of a traveller. They believe in reaching destinations in any darn way while tourists keep waiting for cabs or buses.

7. TOURISTS carry gift articles as souvenirs, TRAVELLERS carry stuff depicting local culture.

Yes, when it comes to carrying back memories home, tourists prefer items from the cliché souvenir shops. Travellers have an eye for cultural peculiarities and they take away unconventional souvenirs.
So next time you go on a holiday just make sure who you want to be – Tourist or Traveller? Ramble and Rejuvenate!
